Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Icing on the cake.

Indian Summer continues to produce some outstanding surf. Although the word and crowd was out and about at Lower Trestles this morning, nobody was out at Dogpatch for an hour or so, letting me vacuum up head high wally waves zooming over the inside reef as fast as possible. Although not the quality of wave you find at Lowers, I'll take uncrowded over crowded any day, because I've never found adding people in the water ever added to the surfing quality experience. Anyway, I had a great time until the high tide put a cork in it. I waited it out today, though, finding time to repair a ding and having a fine breakfast bar breakfast. Paddling out again for a rare second morning session, this time in the spring suit, it really felt like summer as tons of groms paddled about crashing into each other and running over everyone else. I rescued a hat from some poor girl who ran over some poor geezer and brought it back into the beach, noting that I prefer the summer like conditions without the summer like crowds, if you please. As it stands, the morning go-out was full of tubes and turns while the second session was merely a sunny bit of icing on the cake.

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