Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Between the cracks

I got out predawn-early into the contest carnival that now exists at Lowers and got a few excellent waves today. The lulls were painfully long, but every 10 minutes or so, 5 waves or so would go charging through the point. I picked off a few side-shifters that were pretty sweet. It seems the luck that the ASP brings with the contest spins off a few epic wave events for me, too. I watched the contest from the seal eye view I like at the corner of the contest while picking off a few peaks, but the south wind was on the rise and I didn't think those winds boded well for the contest or me sticking around to watch. I do enjoy the parking lot access, so it is just a hop, skip and jump over the trestle tracks during the contest. I'll have to wait until the winds stop, but with the swell as fun as it is, a nice soundtrack playing through the PA speakers, I'll have to sneak out in between the circus clown crowds like today to get waves between the cracks.

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