Monday, September 25, 2006

Always a good thing

It always seems the weekends are crowded when the weather turns fair, but this weekend was really beautiful, so it was just a little too crowded for me. Today was wonderfully free from the elbow to elbow weekend warriors, and I just paddled out into empty peaks for the most part under sunny skies. The shape was not so great, but there were lots of waves. All the Geezers sat outside for the most part complaining of no waves while I rode wave after wave on the inside. The Southwest swell was a bit closed out, but the other 2 little south swells would sneak into the inside reef and stand up over the point pretty well at times. Not the best session, but I probably rounded up more waves in an hour than I could wrangle from the crowd if I had gone out all weekend. Also, at this stage of the game, a couple of days off to let the internal bleeding stop is also always a good thing.

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