Thursday, October 19, 2006

Something for everyone

With 80 degrees on the beach, offshore conditions and butterflies and dragonflies to add to the magical nature of the Santa Ana winds, Indian summer is in full bloom today . Unfortunately, Lower's parking lot was already full before sunrise, so I took a chance on Dogpatch having a few waves like yesterday, and made the right choice. It was a real potpourri of waves all morning; 2 foot sets, 4 foot sets and 6 foot sets broke from just about every angle you can have at old Dogpatch. Being bigger and meaner than yesterday, most of the lightweights got blown out of the water pretty quickly. For myself, I really couldn't catch waves fast enough, for it felt like I had it to myself for an hour, thinking any minute the hordes would attack. I caught one wave after another after another, and luckily the masses just didn't really materialize until I was too tired to fight them off. In addition, each wave I caought today was way different from the last one I just rode, so it really was a good session to size up the wave quickly and decide what method of attack to use to get the most out of the wave. The big south swells were a bit closed out but powerful, so they got the big hacking slash and an flying whitewater re-entry. The mid sized SW lined up so they got the haul-ass-floaters-over-the sections trick. And the smaller remaining NW were just perfect peaks and received the square bottom turn then the square off the lip treatment. All in all, there was something for everyone.

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