Monday, October 02, 2006

Another grom playground day

After spending much time and money to set myself up to live a few minutes from Lower Trestles, it never seems to amaze me how difficult it is to get it on a good day. After a weekend lull, today should have found it in top form, and it was , except it resembled a day care center. It seems vans full of tiny tots were dropped off with their boards, lunches and all their friends. They proceeded down the path, into the water and almost immediately ruined the spot for surfing, turning it into a cross between a "Chucky Cheese" and an after school playground game of kickball. Not just a few, I'm talking 40 in the middle school age zone. I sat off the point in my usual spot, fending off a couple of munchkins who could barely stand up, and yet they still surrounded me, along with their their posse, trying to herd me around and off the takeoff spot. I do wish they would keep the little maggots in school. Somehow, I managed a few waves that swung wide and kicked a few turns around the floating squeaky hazards, but what could have been an extraordinary day fizzled into a yet another grom playground day.

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