Monday, April 28, 2008

Tubes, tucks and flying tight

After being polluted by mainland China for a week, I needed a serious cleansing and Lower's was happy to oblige. It was small but with just perfect shape, as well as the 85 degree temperatures, kept the water warm in the wet suit-sauna with what and I am sure I purged loads of china crap out of me. The big contest starts tomorrow so lots of of "Borg Surfers", the guys who come in 77 of 120, were crowding the main spot trying to get ready for the hypefest. While they provided snake food for each other, I just took over the next peak down the point and made sure I ripped every one I got to shreds, since the contest locks out the locals all week. With a sneaker south swell every so often, I had the time of my life with just some porpoise, including a baby one, to keep me company and a whole morning of tubes, tucks and flying tight.

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