Monday, February 05, 2007

Like having left over birthday cake

Hot and glassy waves greeted me at Lowers today. Dwindling swell, but few people out in the line-up, balanced things out to provide a rather nice session. The break shifted a bit over to me at my favorite spot for a while today while the tide was coming in, leaving me with the best waves without much competition. As the crowd shrank to only 2, I popped up to the top of the point after a wave so long I elected to walk back up the point rather than paddle. I got a few lefts and a couple of hero waves right smack on the tip of the point. The full moon high tide started to swamp the waves and the crowds grew as it got warmer and warmer, but I knew I had gotten the best surf for today and left a happy camper . As I rode back up the black road, I thought it wasn't as good as the birthday waves I rode on Saturday, but I got the feeling that it was just like having left over birthday cake.

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