Monday, November 09, 2009

Just a few

Got a few at Old Man's. Just a few.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

If I could only surf like Kelly Slater

Fall and Indian Summer arrived today, Kids are gone, Waves are way better. I got my favorite Parking place, my Fire Ring at Lower Trestles to change on and some pretty sweet waves to boot. Now if I could only surf like Kelly Slater.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Getting to like the summer deal

Luckier today and better surf to boot. Getting to like the summer deal.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

I was just plain lucky!

I was lucky today more than anything . I found the best parking spot for both my car and my bike. The peak just in front of the fire pit at Lowers was empty and throwing a few rare peaks and corners rather than close-outs like every other place had and I surfed it all by myself for a whole hour! The few waves I surfed weren't much more than one hit wonders but I still managed to shred them somehow, so, all in all, to get what I got, I was just plain lucky!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Give it T for troll.

Crowded crowded crowded. Give it T for troll.

Monday, August 03, 2009

No real waves to speak of

Dogpatching in the heat of summer. Nice scenery, no real waves to speak of.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Made it all worth it again

Sunny summer surf and a new SW swell spells F-U-N. It was warm and crowded and all that, but a couple of great waves made it all worth it again.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


In the fog I got a few little waves at Old Man's today. Only got run over once..Ahh...summer.

Friday, July 10, 2009

That is something

It was Summertime...Too crowded at Old Man's to have fun...To nice not to go out. Never really got any good waves, but didn't get run over either . I guess that is something.

Monday, July 06, 2009

Just about as good as anywhere.

I let the 4th of July crowds come and go and was rewarded today with a new swell and way better surf than I expected. I went out just as everybody went in and a head high series of sets let me unload some seriously mean turns across the Old Man's Inside Peak and inside wally sections. It seems like inside Old man's,with a 190 degree angle, is the next best thing to Lowers, which was completely zooed today. If you time it right, the inside stands up at a 2 foot tide and for 100 yards it is just about as good as anywhere.

Thursday, July 02, 2009

Take what I can get and run...

Three waves. Take what I can get and run...

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Got 1 wave today

Pathetic little waves and the surf schools have added to the mix of kooks in the water. The National Schoolbrats Surfing Association have taken over Lower Trestles this week for a contest, too. *Sighs*. Got 1 wave today.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Summer is here again

It sucked a lot less than usual today. Less crowds, less south wind, less kids all helped. Not sure why, but tI think everyone wanted to sleep in the first day of summer vacation. It wasn't anything special, but the Old Man's inside point had a couple warm wet ones that made me feel like summer is here again.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

One two three

I got a few waves this week but today was the first Trestles truck in a long while. Although the mind was willing, and so was the surf, the body way a little shocked I had taken it out into the water after such a long time. In spite of the body, the mind over matter thing made it ride some really nice long waves that were just as easy as one, two three.

Monday, April 13, 2009

The waves of the day

Easter crowds have come and gone with the addition of some very good surf, much to the dismay of all the little groms sitting in class. I just did the Old Man's thing, because of the SW swell in the water, and the inside bowl at low tide did not disappoint. After a couple of back to back absolutely perfect walls I was just wheezing like a race horse at the wire, but certainly in just a few minutes lucked into the waves of the day.

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

There were plenty to go around.

Spring Fling as Easter Break unleashed the hordes in record numbers. I bit the bullet and traveled to Middles, about as far as one can go to escape the kids on spring break.. The Crowds were there but it was such a nice little swell it didn't matter. I got several nice ones, several got me, and at least there were plenty to go around.

Sunday, April 05, 2009

Lines, peaks, tubes and everything in between

Well, if I am becoming a fair weather surfer, today was the day for it. With Springtime blossoming everywhere and the sun shining down, Lowers should have been a full boat on a picture perfect Sunday, and yet it was not. I had the pick of the litter, providing little lips to duck under, and big broad lefts to carve. The Multi swell thing produced lines, peaks, tubes and everything in between.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Perfect Toontown surfing

When 50 Dophins greet me as I paddle out into perfect little Lower Trestles, I have to pinch myself hard to see if I am dreaming. Turns out it was just a fairy tale type of adventure on a windless glassy uncrowded Lower Trestles at 3PM in the afternoon. Little rippers and a couple tubes to boot made me wish it would never end. But school let out and the kiddies all showed, but for a while, it was perfect Toontown surfing.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Grey ghosts

Nature's favorite joke is to paddle out into a pretty sunshine filled morning of surf only to have it turn into a sea of pea soup right before your eyes. Such was today, as a near prefect morning deteriorated rapidly into a sea of fog, where you can't see the shore or the waves coming for that matter. I managed to get a few but I grew weary quickly trying to hunt down the grey ghosts.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Get waves like that anytime!

King of the Hill...not. ! 100 blokes were trying to kill each other at Lower's on one of those special EPIC days, so I opted to head down to Old Man's and slip into a little spot called "Last Resort" at the end of the break. At the 0' low tide, even ol' "Old Man's" was firing, making 100 yard plus runs down the point in a rather fashionable style. I tore the place up and after 3 waves I got better surf than a whole season at Huntington. Maybe not king today, but I am more than willing to play the Joker to get waves like that anytime!

Friday, March 13, 2009

A breath of fresh air

When all else fails, Lowers can spit out waves when every place else can't. With springtime in the air, the conditions shimmered and shined out a beauty of a morning, and I got a few little rollers at my little spot off of Lower Trestles. I suppose I could of tried harder, but for the most part I just waited patiently and every 20 minutes or so I got a wave that was as shiny as the conditions. In terms of what we have had lately, it was just a breath of fresh air.

Thursday, March 05, 2009

Few playful little rollers

Finally! OK, it was freezing cold water that turned me into a Gumby that spent the night in the freezer with the overized Winter Wet Suit , but the waves acted like they were cold, too. Old Man's lazily rolled out a few shoulder high waves that almost resembled a decent wave at times. Under sunny skies, it was more forgiving, and it had been so long, I was reasonably unsure if I had lost my touch. Turns out I didn't,surfing smoothly and never falling as I scooped up a few playful little rollers.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Killing to get them

It was me and Lower Trestles today. All by myself, glassy, freaking rainbows shining down.
And yet, somehow the crowd appeared and ruined a perfect session. That, and a wind-capped South wind. Not to say I did not get a few killer waves, it's just I just could have used a few more without killing to get them.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Pretty frustrating experience

So I should of had Dogpatch to my self, but a pack of Dip Stick Paddle Boarders ruined just about every wave I tried to surf. Grumbles got me a couple of stray waves, but for the most part, it was a pretty frustrating experience.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Zoo arrived in full force

Even though it was a holiday, MLK day, I managed to squeak out a few nice waves at Dogpatch under cloudy cool conditions. The weekend close-out swell is being replaced slowly by a nicely shaped NW that gave me a few nice turns to round out my rides before the Zoo arrived in full force.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Mine all Mine

Little but Lower Trestles's to myself is what it is all about. Sunny and cool water, it was the lulls that were killers but so were the tiny little waves. Head dipping and skating to the shore, I love it when the place feels like it is mine, all mine.

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Happy New Year

After a drought of waves for Christmas but plenty of stinking rain, the New Year's gods were more receptive as I got some waves yesterday and today. The waves were freezing and I was cold from lack of getting wet any time recently. Let's hope 09 is on its way with the cool waves, even cold ones, as long as there are waves!