Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Made it all worth it again

Sunny summer surf and a new SW swell spells F-U-N. It was warm and crowded and all that, but a couple of great waves made it all worth it again.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


In the fog I got a few little waves at Old Man's today. Only got run over once..Ahh...summer.

Friday, July 10, 2009

That is something

It was Summertime...Too crowded at Old Man's to have fun...To nice not to go out. Never really got any good waves, but didn't get run over either . I guess that is something.

Monday, July 06, 2009

Just about as good as anywhere.

I let the 4th of July crowds come and go and was rewarded today with a new swell and way better surf than I expected. I went out just as everybody went in and a head high series of sets let me unload some seriously mean turns across the Old Man's Inside Peak and inside wally sections. It seems like inside Old man's,with a 190 degree angle, is the next best thing to Lowers, which was completely zooed today. If you time it right, the inside stands up at a 2 foot tide and for 100 yards it is just about as good as anywhere.

Thursday, July 02, 2009

Take what I can get and run...

Three waves. Take what I can get and run...