Monday, July 30, 2007

Barely good enough

Dogpatch was just barely breaking today, so I spent a few waves worth of desperation time trying to get ready for when the waves get good instead of barely good enough.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Dying on the vine

After a couple a good days of waves. it was asking too much for 3 in a row. Still, under perfect conditions. I found a few stragglers on the lower point of Old Man's. Not much, but at least I plucked a few as they were dying on the vine.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

In Full Swing

Hot glassy Dogpatch filled with every imaginable kind of surfdog and some you couldn't imagine in your wildest dreams. Ahhhh, summer is in full swing!

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

A few more smiles

After a miserably long wait all month I finally got both sun and waves today. As luck would have it, it was the day after they poured slurry on the street tops out front. Waiting as long as I could, (well, until I spotted someone else driving in the pristine blacktop) I raced down to Old Man's and paddled out in the little inside peak on the left. It was marshmallow soft, which could describe my conditioning at the moment, so we were a good match. I got more than a few head high waves that put a smile on my face, something I have been sorely lacking. I could tell, because my smiling muscles and paddling muscles were also out of shape. I do hope that this trend continues because I can use a few more waves and a few more smiles.

A few more smiles

After a miserable long wait I finally got both sun and waves today. As luck would have it, it was the day after they poured slurry on the street tops out front. Waiting as long as I could, (well, until I spotted someone else driving in the pristine blacktop) I raced down to Old Man's and paddled out in the little inside peak on the left. It was marshmallow soft, which could describe my conditioning at the moment, so we were a good match. I got more than a few head high waves that put a smile on my face, something I have been sorely lacking, I could tell, because my smiling muscles and paddling muscles were also out of shape. I do hope that this trend continues because I can use a few more waves and a few more smiles.

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

My smile won't fade today

After waiting out the morning fog and sloppy, sloppy south wind bump, I arrived at Dogpatch with just a hope the conditions would turn around as I paddled out. As luck would have it, the wind died and the surf pushed into my little inside reef I like with lots of fun waves today. The crowds drifted away leaving me for the most part with the peak to myself. The sun came out, the sky turned blue, my forehead sunburned red, and I ripped a few head high peaks with abandon all the way to the inside and smacked a few good off the lips re-entries for a big finish. Two days of surf in a row, and even if my body complains, my smile won't fade today.

Monday, July 02, 2007

Summer Rules!

Finally, the first real swell of summer arrived today, so I high tailed it down to my favorite summer spot, Trail number 2, and found a lot of head high uncrowded waves in bath watery warm glassy blue seas. Aside from the fact I was rather kooky from lack of surf, I snagged a few big bombs that reminded me what a real wave is all about. Just a light foggy mist kept the winds down and the surface slick and mirror-like all morning. Ah, on a beautiful beach day as this one, Summer Rules!